We serve a God who is constantly in pursuit of people.

  • Jeanne Jester


    Jeanne is based in Texas with a focus on releasing the word of the Lord through prayer throughout the nations. She travels extensively across the globe with a strong emphasis on Israel and South Africa. Her heart is not only to release prayer from her own lips, but to train leaders to enter in to deeper places of prayer, so that the Lord will be exalted and the nations will be strengthened.

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  • Shannon and Lindsay Shores


    Shannon and Lindsay Shores and their 5 children [Lex, Alexis, Gabriel, Praise, and Kendrick] founded Urban Rhythm Youth Empowerment Trust in Botswana, Africa. The Trust consists of youth centers, soccer ministry, camps for orphans and vulnerable children, ladies empowerment programs through the House of Hope, counseling, and discipleship and school abstinence-based Reach 4 Life programs in 9 locals schools. With challenges such as HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, high alcoholism rates, and poverty these programs bring much needed transformation to youth and young adults and led to a church plant in 2018. Hearts are being changed, families are being healed and Botswana is turning to the Lord Jesus.

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  • Sebastian and Elisabeth Garcia


    Elisabeth states: “As I started this journey to full-time missions, I was faced with the question of ‘Why?’ ‘Why here? Why me? Why now?’ - not in an overdramatic sense, but as in, ‘What do I have to offer? What is the Lord's purpose behind this? What is my unique calling?’" In a neighborhood where darkness has reigned and futures are doomed to repeat cycles of abuse, violence, drug tracking, prostitution, and witchcraft, hope at times is in short supply. But, in Jesus, through His redemption on the Cross, there is hope for all. Elisabeth met and married Sebastian while working together with the long-term goal of reclaiming, releasing, and nurturing hope in the children, teens, and families of Medellín, Colombia. Priscilla Joy has now been added to their family.

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  • Tony and Carrie Taylor


    Tony and Carrie Taylor and their three sons [Braegan, Trenden, Daivin] have been missionaries in Guatemala for over 20 years. The Taylors work with the Jacalteco people with the vision to minister to and alongside the church of Jacaltenango. The Taylors work across denominational lines, teaching, preaching and offering opportunities for local church leaders to receive training. The presence of the Lord and great humility describe the life and leadership of Tony and Carrie. The love and compassionate hands of Tony and Carrie are seeing lives transformed and the atmosphere of Jacaltenango changing daily.

    Follow on instagram@tony7carrie

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  • Leo and Silvana Grisales

    Tampa, Florida

    Leo began Jump Ministries in Colombia in response to seeing kids on the streets caught up in drugs, prostitution, and suicide. In crying out to God for answers the Lord challenged him by saying, "I put you there to be the answer." He and Silvana have relocated to Tampa to plant a church and reach immigrants to the U.S. with what they are really looking for: the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    Follow them on fb & instagram @ Leonardo_grisales or Silvana_vives

  • Samuel & Bex Rodriguez

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Samuel and Bex Rodriguez are full-time missionaries who were married in 2024, after Samuel spent five impactful years serving in Brazil with the Dunamis Movement. During their time in Brazil, Samuel worked with the Greenhouse School of Revival and Transformation, where he served as the director of the school and mobilization, leading a discipling cohort of leaders to influence their spheres with God’s love, power, and transformative presence. Bex served as the head of communications for Greenhouse for two years. The multilingual school drew students from over 25 nations, emphasizing global Kingdom impact.

    Together, Samuel and Bex have witnessed the Lord’s powerful work across Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia. They are now transitioning to Lisbon, Portugal, to serve alongside Zion Lisbon, a global church with roots in Brazil. Their shared passion is to raise up a generation that will bring revival and transformation to every sphere of society and to the nations.

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  • David and Claudia Albrecht


    David and Claudia Albrecht and their 3 children (Andrea, Julianna & David) have been missionaries in Nicaragua for over 20 years planting churches and serving the people of Nicaragua. They planted Iglesia Elevate in 2007 and have a vision to exalt the name of Christ and to raise up disciples of all different ages and walks of life. David and Claudia’s passion is to see God transform the nation of Nicaragua through developing leaders in ministry and the marketplace.

    Instagram: @iglesiaelevatenicaragua

    Facebook: Iglesia Elévate Nicaragua

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  • Kenny and Dorothy Kennedy


    Kenny & Dorothy began their missions journey by saying “yes” to lead a team to Guatemala. After years of serving in this capacity, they once again gave their “yes” to serving full time at the New Life Children’s Home in Guatemala. They have a heart for the children there, especially those that are transitioning into the adult world. They help in the preparation for transitions, as well as function in administration and maintenance at the home.

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